What is an Asthma Attack?

You, especially if you're an asthma sufferer or close family member, will know very well what an asthma attack looks like: A growing difficulty in letting air out of the lungs which can become a self-destructive cycle as the stress rises until the lungs become so constricted that the sufferer passes into unconsciousness through suffocation. Physically what happens is that the "necks" of the alveoli in your lungs begin to close up and trap the air. Why this happens is a question needing an answer, fortunately one which we have learned.

Now, I am sure that everyone has noticed that, in times of stress, your chest feels constricted and that it becomes quite difficult to breathe deeply. When the stress is over, your chest relaxes and normal breathing resumes. An asthmatic simply experiences this much more intensively and not just the chest muscles but even the tissues of the lungs themselves go into a cramp. This is then called asthma; it really is that simple. As to why an asthmatic experiences stress so much more intensively lies in the belief that "they really shouldn't exist anyway" and so a stress causing threat is perceived as much more life-threatening than it would normally. Any conflict, even the slightest, can lead to an asthma attack. Logically, therefore, the removal of the causation belief that "I shouldn't really exist" is that which will also remove the asthma - remove the cause and the effect naturally disappears.

There is no physical cause and can, therefore, be no physical (medical) solution.

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