The Harmony Auric -

the Technology


For those who want to know the technical ins and outs of the matter……

From its very beginning way back in 1986, the Harmony Technology developed by Dipl. Ing.(FH) Joachim M. Wagner has been right at the very frontiers of engineering science. As those whose interests include such matters will know, the technology actually works in that “fuzzy” area between energy-wave and particle.

An elementary particle, it was discovered some years ago, is, contrary to what Aristotle believed and many of us have been taught in school, not a fixed object at all! These elementary particles which, incidentally make up all physical objects are constantly changing their status from an energy-wave to a particle and back again. They do this switching at such high speeds that the illusion of a continuous fixed object is created - just like those light chains in which light bulbs are switched on and off in sequence create the illusion of movement. These elementary particles have, each, a very specific function otherwise everything would be completely random and no physical form, such as your body, would be possible.

The switching that gives the elementary particle its identity, thereby enabling it to participate in the creation of highly complex systems is, of necessity, a very precise event. If anything were to distort these events then the particle created would either perturb the system in which it is participating or be completely unable to participate at all leading to system failure. This is where the Harmony Technology has functioned to date: By ensuring that the informational energy determining these switching events is “clean”, i.e. in accord with the natural order, free of all distortions, the precise identity, frequency and position of the elementary particles has been, where necessary, corrected and safeguarded. This is achieved by creating a multi-level resonating grid within a non-conducting material which, essentially, through natural resonance, “cleans” the electrons of all perturbations.

We see, therefore, that the technology has, to date, functioned at the very frontier of the material universe and, actually, performs its task just beyond that level.

Those who follow certain oriental teachings, including the very ancient teachings of yoga will be aware that it is taught that there are 12 levels of awareness or perception. In the 20th century, the German physicist Burkhard Heim proved, with his Unified Field Theory, that this, our universe, is a 12 dimensional event field. Joachim, the developer of the Harmony Technology was a long-time student and friend of Heim.

To date, the Harmony Technology has gone just beyond the third dimension of physical matter into the non-material space-time-continuum to clean it of perturbing influences, thus enabling optimal function in any system to which the technology is applied. Now we come to the breakthrough.

The frequencies of the other eight dimensions, although affecting everything that happens in the physical world, have been (other than through what is claimed by intense yogic practices) unreachable for mankind.
It is, of course, obvious that if energies from “higher” dimensions are present in every particle of matter then “messages” can be sent via those frequencies; but HOW? How do you get from the frequencies of the material level which we know, partially, how to manipulate, to those of the fifth, sixth or seventh levels?

It turns out that you do it by extending the field presence of the ordering grid into those dimensions (no, we’re not going to tell you how!) thus bringing the harmonising effect into areas which have an enormous effect upon our lives but over which it had been believed, until now, we have no influence.

We at Harmony United learned how to do this in the Autumn of 2016 and have been testing various models for potency and stability since then.

We are now satisfied that we have the best possible at this time and are launching the new “Harmony Auric” (The “Gilded One”).

You may order your Harmony Auric here:

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