The Home and Office Harmonizer in Business

Dear Sirs,
the Home and Office Harmonizer has now been in use in our residence and business premises for some three months.

We have been aware of the benefits of harmonized energy for more than ten years and make great use of this throughout our building.

Immediately upon installing the Home and Office Harmonizer over the entrance door, however, a direct improvement in the quality of the energy within the entire building was noticeable; an effect which has, subsequently, remained undiminished.

Since that moment all of our business consultations and conferences progress much more smoothly, harmoniously, easier and one could almost say that they have become discussions amongst good friends.

Our work has become more creative and effective and, despite the increase in custom, feels easier than before to accomplish.

It's as though everything has just been pulled up to the next level.

A total success.

Many thanks!


For the last few days I have often found myself thinking about the Harmonizer and, today, came the letter about the new discoveries intensifying the effects.

I made the suggested change straight away and an intensification and refinement of the effects was immediately noticeable.

A further improvement for us! Many thanks.

Yours faithfully,

Herbert Palzkill
Palzkill Consultancy
Rheinland Pfalz
June 3, 2008

More about the Home and Office Harmonizer? Please click here.


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