Can the Harmony evolution change the future?


An interesting concatenation of events has lead to me to pose this question.

I don’t have a definite answer but would, nonetheless like to relate the following:

Most, perhaps all of us have had "premonitions", feelings that something is unavoidably going to happen. This applies to both pleasant and unpleasant expectations.

Those who are a little more practised and, perhaps, use the techniques from Quantum Marketing  may very well be aware of this as a daily phenomenon. So when I get such a feeling, I ask, "Is it just fear trying to manifest itself or am I picking up on something which is really happening?" It is not difficult to distinguish between the two and to decide to let the fear go.

When it is something real, one can then usually decide to reinforce or to change it, dependent upon whether one wishes to participate in the experience or not. Using the same Quantum Marketing techniques, one can also know absolutely whether a particular place, whatever it may be (airport, aeroplane, train, etc., etc) is safe or to be avoided. So when the following happened, I was a little worried.

As part of my North American tour just past, I had promised to go to southern Alabama. Because of the very awkward location, I had chosen to drive down rather than to fly. No sooner had I given this promise than I was filled with a sense of foreboding about the drive down through Northern Alabama.

I tried all the usual techniques, but the feeling did not go away: This was real! It was also impossible for me to change it. I even tried to get someone else to drive me down but all attempts were thwarted.

So, I had the choice, break my promise or make the drive and experience the consequences. It was clear that I would survive whatever was to happen and so the choice to keep to my word was the appropriate one. I picked up the hire car and set off.

I "just happened" to have a Harmony Super Charger in my pocket and so, to make the drive easier, I stuck it onto the top of the steering column. Instantly, the feeling of foreboding disappeared! Apart from getting lost twice in Columbus, the drive down was uneventful.

Can it really be that the Harmony evolution technology is also capable of changing the information structures which lead to mishap and misery? Intrinsically, there is nothing in Quantum Field Theory which would contradict this.

I don't know. I can only tell you what I experienced.

Who else has experienced something like this? Please write and let me know.


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