Dear Karma Singh,

Questions that I have:
Does passing through radition equipment in an airport have any negative effect on the chip?

None whatsoever. In fact, wearing a Harmony Evolution will neutralise all the radiation for you. Dr. Stevens in Kelowna, Canada, tested this on me in the Autumn of 2006. She picked me up from the airport, knowing that I had 14 flights behind me in the previous 17 days and wanted to know just how high my radiation count would be.
As you may know, one flight will double your radiation count for a few days.

I'm not quite sure what she was expecting but the test reading was  ........... zero!!
One of the nice side effects of wearing a Harmony Evolution 24/7.

Why is a super charger too powerful for a human? Are there different frequencies or what?

A biological system can self-correct and, so, requires a very small impetus. A machine or a building cannot do this and, consequently, requires continuous correction. The processors in the Harmony super charger and Home and Office Harmonizer are, therefore, much more powerful than would, normally, be comfortable for a human. This said, I do know of one woman in Winnipeg who has suffered for a long time from very extreme electro smog hypersensitivity. She is actually wearing a Home and Office Harmonizer!

There is a book about tachyon energy and in the book they mention a vortex pendant (which I've seen and it's powerful). They state that if you wear it for a few hours it will realign all your chakras (which most humans have most chakras turned horizontal instead of vertical) Vertical allows the spiritual energy to enter through the head, go down the spine, and out and then back in the head. I'm not sure how they figured this out but, it seems to ring true. You have to go to class to get one since it releases old negative emotional/mind fears we hang onto.

Dangerous stuff!!!!! Applying a forced correction when you don’t know what the problem is.

They had people feel so free that they went in a quit their jobs. Does your chip have any spiritual clearing/emotional clearing/ and or mind clearing??? There is a technology called energy enhancement and it deals with putting scalar waves into humans raising the vibrational rate of their cells etc. They claim to have people that have been blind out driving now, severed spinal cords totally regenerated, nerves regenerated, etc etc!! I know you chip puts no energy into anything, but organizes it. It does seem that you mention scalar energies in talking about things in your site. I'm not trying to pull any proprietary info out of you; just understand a little better.

The Harmony Technology doesn’t “play God” like some of these other things do. We don’t claim to know what is best for everyone and then impose this “cure all”. The Harmony Technology is based upon the fact that any natural system not only can but will self correct if given the necessary pre-requisites to do so. By bringing order to the informational flows within the system, i.e. neither adding nor removing anything, just bringing order out of the chaos, the Harmony Technology enables the system to take up exactly what it needs to function properly and to ignore all perturbing influences. Any natural system will then, of itself, rapidly go into optimal function. You don’t need to tell it how to function best, it already knows this and all that is necessary is to re-establish the conditions for optimal function. This is what the Harmony Technology does.

Recently you told me of a doctor in America who had an energy healing device and after putting a chip (don't remember which one) on the machine, it increased the power 25 fold.

This is Dr. Jeff Sutherland in Massachusetts.

Do you think that would occur with this energy enhancement equipment.

Very probably. We’ve never seen the particular devices you mention but all similar things which we have tested function very much better with the Harmony Technology.

When people use/sit in the room with it on they go into a deep meditation, feel unconditional love and joy.They have systems with 4 units, 8 units, 12 units and 24. They more units in a room the quicker everything happens and they cost more per set of units.

Maybe some do, I wouldn’t doubt it but what about those who don’t? When you seek to force a change like this, you’re going to get a lot of negative responses.

If I took two super chargers and put them on a car would it increase the grip/the power, and fuel economy??

No. Two would not do more than one.

If I sealed them up in a foil wrapper in a test would it decrease the effectiveness of the chip. More spedifically the supercharger??


Is Joachim still working on a chip for regeneration??

Just started testing the new version.

If I put one on a dragster/funny car that hits 330 mph how would you attach it so the wind wouldn't rip it off??

On the steering column housing where the wind doesn’t get it. Run the car around for an hour or so at low speed on the day before with the Harmony Super Charger on it and then let it "cook" overnight.

Always supposed to go on the steering column?? Or where you put one on an indy car that races for 300-500 miles at 225 miles an hour??

Same place

I know these questions are somewhat out of order, but I'm getting ready for work and just wrote them they way they popped in. I like everything I've read about your technology. FYI the EEsystem machine will block all emf/elf fields for a 2 mile radius when it's turned on and even charge your gas up for about 30% increase in mpg.

The problem with blocking rather than ordering information flows is that you then loose information that you need. I’ve seen several cases of this with similar devices. One woman in Canada even ended up in psychiatric hospital.

Barry, Minnesota, 28th June 2008

Karma, London, 1st July 2008

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