Days 11 to 18, Friday 22nd to Thursday 28th of June

Friday was planned as our first day off with a drive through the Giant Redwood forests along the old road, now called "Avenue of the Giants".

To get there, we drove up the old coast road and then swung inland to join highway 101 at Leggett and then on to Garberville where we spent the Thursday night before entering the forests. Now, Garberville is an interesting place for those interested in unusual ways of life. It is also the perfect place to open a razor shop if you're looking for a tax write off. Its third claim to fame is being the southern end of the Avenue of the Giants.

Somewhere along the coast, on our way to Garberville, we picked up a hitch hiker trying to get to Stewarts Point. An ex army veteran who had been an unemployable epileptic since his military days. He introduced us to a friend of his (also ex army) subsisting his pension make making rock sculptures. All of these stones are simply balanced on each other, there's no glue or anything else. They are for sale and you can get them complete with re-assembly instructions. I didn't take his name but this is a local landmark and the US Postal Service just might deliver a letter addressed to The Balancing Stones Sculptor, Stewarts Point, California. Here are a couple of pictures. Click on them for large format as usual.


There's not much that I can tell you about the Redwood experience, you've got to be there otherwise you just don't know. Here are a few pictures to help encourage you to make the trip. The diagonal shot with the little white figure at the bottom of the tree is Angela and a giant redwood. There is no way that I could get the whole tree in shot.


From the forests we began a race against time to get to Chehalis, Washington for the next presentation on the Saturday afternoon at The Reiki Ranch. There we met Taylore Vance and were introduced to Laser Reiki: This is a misnomer, the method is very much more powerful and precise than Reiki and achieves very much more. Well worth making the trip to Washington state to learn it. here's the info link  . An opportunity has also arisen for me to give a Power Light seminar in Ohio on the 7th and 8th of July. There are only 12 possile places so early registration is essential. Further details at .

On the Sunday, we finally made it to Olympia, WA and the restaurant Ciela Blu. This was recommended to me more than a year ago but I hadn't previously been able to get there whilst they were open. It is well worth the effort!

Monday, we picked up a replacement car at Seattle airport and set off for a surprise visit to Idaho. The surprise was mine as I had misread the map and thought that Washington had a common border with Montana. Wallace, Idaho, has very pretty countryside and claims to be the silver capital of The World. It also has no cell phone reception. You must decide which of these is your reason for visiting it. along the way I was also surprised by the rock formations. Although the Rockies are fold  mountains and very obviously formed by continental drift, there is a vast amount of igneous rock formations from massive volcanic activity. Some have very interesting patterns and all are visible from the freeway.


And so on to our meeting in Helena, Montana on the Tuesday. This was extremely interesting and I'd love to tell you all about it but it may be October before it is wise to reveal what transpired.

And so on to a two day drive to Winnipeg.

See you there.

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