Satisfaction Guarantee
If you are for any reason dissatisfied with your Harmony Evolution and our advice centre (contact via this link) is unable to assist you, simply return the Harmony Evolution, completely undamaged for a 100% refund of the purchase price.
This guarantee is valid for 6 months from the date of your receipt of your Harmony evolution.
Should you wish to return, the Harmony Evolution is to be sent as a registered air letter to Angela Süß, Harmony United Ltd. International Distribution Centre, Wilischstr. 12, 09456 Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany. The date of posting is the effective date under the 6 month term of the guarantee
To date, Wednesday the 4th of November 2009, at start of business, the next order number is 23983 (many orders are for multiple Harmony Evolutions). Since commencement of trading on the 9th of September 2003, exactly 158 (one hundred and fifty eight) Harmony Evolutions have been returned for refund and the full purchase price refunded.
We believe that this says something about the quality and effectiveness of our products.
Product Warranty
We've never yet had a claim on this so we're not quite sure how to deal with it.
Each and every Harmony United Technology product is guaranteed to function for at least ten years. As, however, there is nothing that can wear out or be used up and the Harmony Evolutions need no supplementary fuel supply (they function solely with the energy structures which they are ordering, i.e. Harmony Evolutions are "solid state" technology) there is very good reason to believe that they could still be effective when your grandchildren inherit them. In many countries, however, a warranty longer than 10 years is not permissible.
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