Personal developmentPersonal developmentAlthough, as you will have seen, the Harmony evolution is extremely effective in attaining and preserving health, this is not it's actual purpose! This is "clearing the rubbish out of the way" so that the real gifts of the Harmony evolution can be enjoyed.
You may well have surmised that the Harmony evolution functions by detoxifying the body and removing disturbing influences, thereby allowing the body itself to express optimal function and health. This surmise is correct; that is exactly what happens – the body will always heal itself when allowed to do so.
This is, however, just a side effect! Consider now please what would happen if your basic assumptions about yourself, your life and the world were also detoxified and disturbing influences removed. You will become much more intelligent, perceptive, peaceful and happy. Instead of simply surviving, you will begin to live! This is what the Harmony evolution is really for. It has been given to us to spread peace and happiness throughout the world by bringing peace and happiness to people just like you. That's what the Harmony evolution is about! This is how to do it:Just as your body will automatically heal itself when allowed to do so, i.e. when the Harmony evolution deletes that which is preventing health, so will your thoughts and feelings naturally heal themselves when the Harmony evolution dissolves the accumulated disturbances which prevent them doing so. The effects of this cleaning are those listed above. Place the Harmony evolution for at least one hour each day upon your fontanel women or or The use of two Harmony evolutions will, of course, speed up and enhance the process.